Flight Nursing

Flight Nursing, Salary, and Job Requirements

Flight Nursing is a specialized unit of Registered Nurses (RN). They are particularly trained to perform comprehensive medical care during the transportation of patients from one place to another. Flight nurses perform most of their treatment in aircraft, like helicopters or fixed-wing planes (aero-planes). The flight nurses are also required to know the basic aspects of navigation and flight. The critical care includes a team consisting of flight medics, physicians, and other relevant medical professionals.

They treat extremely compromised patients in an unstable environment. Their patients are generally in critical condition. They have usually undergone significant trauma that requires speedy evacuation. They are in charge of patients who are in need of emergency care and immediately need to be transported from one hospital to another.

There are also two types of flight nurses โ€“ Civilian flight nurses & Military flight nurses. Civilian flight nurses have more freedom and are able to choose their workplace. However military nurses work in war ravaged areas and are usually responsible for bringing in wounded soldiers from the battlefield. Civilian flight nurses have an impressive salary but are nowhere near as military flight nurses. Military flight nurses also get a free pass to a lot of other benefits.

Where Are Flight Nurse Jobs Found?

Europe, Australia and parts of Asia offer plenty of opportunities and programs for flight nurses. But by far the most flight nurse jobs are in the United States. Each state in the U.S. provides massive liberty for flight nurses. According to a survey, there are 800 medical transport helicopters in the United States as part of hundreds of programs. At various university hospitals and aviation companies, flight nursing jobs are found. According to recent surveys done by the aviation agencies, the job outlook for flight nursing is extremely competitive. Only those who are drawn to fast-paced, emergency/critical care should apply and must have a well-rounded experience.

Job requirements for Flight Nursing

Flight Nursing

Educational Requirements:

The nurses should be licensed and must have a Bachelorโ€™s degree in Nursing (BSN). With at least 3-5 years of additional experience in critical care or ICU. Additional certificates in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) will provide a positive impression to the employers. The nurses must have a certification in Basic Life Support (BLS) as well.

Additional Requirements:

While there is no end to learning, some of these certificates/courses will give you the edge over other employees. Youโ€™ll be able to demonstrate your competence in flight nursing to your employers. Though it is not mandatory to complete all of them but doing some definitely put you in the front row.

  • Certification in CFRN (Certified Flight Registered Nurse) from the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN).
  • Completing Nationally recognized trauma program such as Pre Hospital Trauma Life (PHTLS)
  • Critical Care certification (CCRN)
  • Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN)
  • Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS) or Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC)
  • Transport Nurse Advanced Trauma Course (TNATC)
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)
  • Certification in Basic Life Support (BLS).

While to some it may seem like so many certifications will be waste of time. However, stronger the background, stronger the chances of demanding more, i.e. salary or other benefits

Important Credentials:

  • Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN)
  • Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN)
  • Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN)

Potential work setting:

  • Hospitals and trauma centers
  • Fire departments
  • Independent medical evacuation or transportation companies
  • Hospital-based research facilities
  • Federal, local or municipal government
  • Search and rescue organizations
  • U.S. Military, stationed overseas
  • U.S. Military reserves, domestic emergencies
  • Army Air Force Evacuation Service
  • Intra-theatre and inter-theatre flights

Physical requirements for Flight nursing

Flight Nursing

While there arenโ€™t any specific physical requirements to be a flight nurse but there are some restrictions and barriers. Some of these restrictions include height, weight, age and health.


Most flight programs require that a flight nurse weigh no more than 250 pounds, including clothing and personal medical equipment. Only a few hospitals and organizations place their weight limit below 250 pounds. The air cabin in the aircraft is often too small to fit both the patient and the medical team. That is why oversized nurses are often neglected.


The flight programs often prefer nurses with ideal height, not too tall or not too short. Since the air cabin in the aircraft is often too small, tall nurses have difficulties working in that environment. Short nurses are often neglected as well. Small height may also affect the ability to work in this field.


There arenโ€™t any specific restrictions against hiring flight nurses because of their age. However, there are some factors that come with age and go with age. As long as the nurses are able to perform their duties properly in that unstable environment. They are eligible to apply for a position in flight nursing.


When it comes to health status, it is very crucial for a flight nurse to maintain his/her health. The responsibilities of a flight nurse include operating medical machinery, lifting patients, stabilizing those suffering from traumas and performing other comprehensive physical activities. The flight nurses are required to be fully fit both mentally and physically. Exercising regularly can ensure good physical health.

The Salary of a Flight Nurse

Civil flight nurses can expect a salary change of $50,161 and $105,605 annually. Their average annual salary of them is around $70,012. The salary mostly depends on the location, experience, the organization and whether the program is community-based or hospital-based.

Organizations for Flight Nurses

The organization called ASTNA has been supporting transport nurses and flight nurses for over 35 years and still going. This organization helps the practice of flight nursing and also helps to enhance the quality of patient care. They also provide various resources and training and support for the promising nursing specialty.


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